How to identify non woven fabric?


Do you ever stumble across the odd fabric in your stash and find you aren’t too sure what it is? Or pick up vintage fabric and find you can’t indentify it? In this article, you will find a guide to help you in identifying nonwoven fabric material.

how to identify non woven fabric

There are several ways to identify non-woven fabric:

1. Look for a fuzzy or textured appearance

Take spunbond nonwoven fabric for example, Non-woven fabric typically has a fuzzy or textured surface, which distinguishes it from woven or knitted fabrics that have a more uniform appearance.

2. Check for lack of threads

Non-woven fabric is made by bonding or interlocking fibers together, rather than weaving or knitting threads. If you examine the fabric closely, you should not see any individual threads running through it.

3. Observe the fabric’s structure

Nonwoven fabric often has a looser, more open structure compared to woven fabrics. It may have a more random arrangement of fibers, with less defined patterns or grids.

4. Test the fabric’s strength

Non-woven fabric tends to be less strong and durable than woven fabrics. You can try pulling on the fabric gently to see if it stretches or tears easily. If it does, it is likely non-woven.

5. Burn test

This is a more advanced method that involves burning a small sample of the fabric. Non-woven fabric typically melts or shrinks away from the flame when burned, rather than forming a solid ash like woven fabrics.

It’s important to note that these methods may not be foolproof, and if you are unsure, it’s best to consult a professional or refer to the fabric’s label or manufacturer’s information.


1 thought on “How to identify non woven fabric?”

  1. Tommy says:

    Physical target identification of non-woven fabric on the cloth surface: Investigate whether the cloth surface is shiny. Is there any fiber floating on the surface, if it is dull or has a lot of floating silk, it is probably produced from recycled materials.

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